Consulting Services
Many times, a client needs something less-involved than an appraisal, or even an evaluation. Whether you are in need of organized market data, or just help setting a listing price for your own home/building, our consulting services are a cost-effective, economical way to get what you need, without having to pay for anything more. Our consulting services can be catered to your exact needs, and the time-to-delivery is extremely flexible. These services are available to those clients who
“need a value” or other types of advice, but not necessarily an appraisal
report. Such services may include a
market analysis, highest and best use analysis, etc. Consulting services are provided at an hourly
rate to be determined based on the complexity of the assignment.
Market Data and Analysis
Of particular interest to real estate investors, market data and analysis of the data, is a very important factor in most real estate transactions. Whether you are needing to compare and analyze lease terms and market rents, or simply would like to see how many buildings in a given area, have sold in the prior 3 years, we have the data and the ability to tell you what you need to know.
Highest and Best Use Analysis
HBU analysis is an integral part of any appraisal report, and can be an extremely in-depth, involved process. However, sometimes a client needs to determine the highest and best use of a property, without the need for a value opinion. In these cases, let us develop an opinion of highest and best use for your property, without charging you for a full appraisal.